We made it to Lincoln last night and went out for an awesome steak dinner. We were dead after that!
This morning we got an early start leaving Lincoln and in Omaha hit the worst rain storm I've ever driven through. It rained HARD for half an hour at least all thru the city and rained on and off throughout the morning. We finally drove out of it somewhere in Iowa. Whew!
I love eastern Iowa's rolling green hills, lots and LOTS of cornfields, barns/silos, and trees. Very green.
Went over the Mississippi River and made our way thru Illinois to Tinley Park, south of Chicago.
As I was waiting in the hotel lobby to check in the tv was on and behind the reporter I could see Mt. Garfield!! Obama's in Grand Junction at Central High School doing a town hall meeting. In our room we turned on Fox News and there was our church friend Daniel Russell on the stage and the Prez was shaking his hand as he left the stage!! Crazy!
We'll make it to Pittsburgh tomorrow. Another eight hour day driving. We've reserved a hotel room since we'll get there later and won't have our keys to the house. Monday is move-in day!! (Then as soon as we get things together - off to the IKEA Store!!! Woohoo!!! How exciting!)
Well, time to rest the ole' bod. Eight and a half hours of driving today, my butt's killing me.
Sad I missed the Leadership Summit rebroadcast at the church yesterday and today. I was getting text updates from Janet and DeAnna though!
Janet sent me the best quotes though... (from Bill Hybels, pastor Willow Creek Church) "Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers."
And the best one, "Rough patches force courage and creativity." Isn't THAT the truth!
That's it for now. Today was a good today, tomorrow even better! One more day!!!
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