The Family - Summer, 2023

The Family - Summer, 2023
Love these people!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It's been awhile since my last post. School has been crazy. I had two quizzes last week plus a make-up quiz. The one I thought I did well on I got a 75 (OT Books), the Hebrew quiz I felt fairly good about I got a 57! Geez!
The Hebrew IS starting to sink in more, it's just slow going, and then by the time I think I may kind of get it-we get 30 more vocabulary words to add to the pile and another set of weird exceptions to rules in the language! Ahhhhh!!!
I'm not accustomed to working so hard at something and still doing poorly!! And it makes me nervous about the 3.5 GPA I'm supposed to keep for my financial aide...
Kim is SO good to me. Dinner every night, a clean house, still looking for a job, just being there. I know I don't show my appreciation enough.
My folks get here on Friday evening. We'll still have friends over, so they can just jump right in to whatever's going on. We hope to take them to Point State Park downtown as well as the Incline which overlooks the city and both rivers coming together to create the Ohio River. It's quite the view. Then maybe Sunday we'll drive out to the Ikea store so they can see what we've been talking about all this time.
Wondering how I'll fit studying into all of that as well... The Hebrew midterm is a week from Wed., and the Church History midterm is the 28th - it looks scary. Actually, they both do.
I keep thinking during my walks to and from school...God called me here. Ok. So what if I fail? Then what? I know it's not the end of the world, but, what Lord? I just don't get it.
People keep telling me, "you can't read everything!" And yet, we'll get emails from teachers reminding us that we need to have read stuff because we're going to discuss it in class! How to know WHAT to read WHEN???? It's all just an on-going catch-up game. And then you read SO much that there's no way you're going to retain all of it.
How do other people do this?? I know I'm not an idiot, but I'm feeling way over my head these days. I know it's just a I told Sarah about her having to work and juggle Rilo and home and's a season. Well, I'm ready for this season to change!
Lord, grant me wisdom to know what to do when, the discipline to do it, and the vision and understanding to grasp all that's going in! I rest in Your peace, knowing that no matter how things pan out, "The Lord Himself goes before you and is with you; He will never leave you, nor forsake you....I will not be afraid, I will not be discouraged!" (Deut. 31:8) Amen.
Phew. Glad that's out. Now back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sally,
    You once reminded me during one of my meltdowns that I was not alone. We are all struggling to find the balance. In my time with Jesus today, I took time to pray for all of us at PST as incoming students. It seems that many of us just in getting here can say with faith that it was a miraculous and benevolent act of provision from God. I think your last prayer and plea is what I love so much. I asked God that He would keep us cleaving to Him whilst we study. I prayed for all of us to approach our studies with humility, but with due diligence as well. Sally, come what may, God is honored in our very act of confessing that we cannot and will not be able to do this apart from Him. Perhaps this is why He allows for this to be so stretching and hard. It keeps us near to Him and it keeps Him ever nearer to us. I pray that whatever we accomplish whether a 75 or 100, that it would be to His glory. If we get a 75 and we did everything in line with God's will through His strength, then we were obedient and we can and should rest. :) I preach this to myself often. Love you! I'm praying for you!!!! And remember, you have the entire year to make up GPA. They won't strip you of it after one term. Also...I have to trust that the School desires to work with each student and their UNIQUE circumstances to ensure success!
